Personalize Adobe Target Campaigns with Experience Cloud Audiences is a 1-hour training workshop delivered by Adobe Learning Services expert instructors. In this workshop, you will learn how to leverage People Core Service, Experience Cloud ID Service, and Experience Cloud audiences in order to inform optimization activities using a more complete understanding of their visitors.
Create personalized shopping experiences for your customers by learning how to use Adobe Target Recommendations to display products, services, or content that might peak interest based on previous user activity, preferences, and other criteria. Learn how Recommendations helps direct visitors to relevant items they might otherwise overlook, and how it lets you promote relevant items at the right time and in the right place. To work along with activities in this course you will need to work within your own instance of Adobe Target.
You can guess - or you can know - with multivariate testing. Learn how Adobe Target multivariate testing can help you discover the relative influence that specific elements have on your conversions compared to other elements, and how this activity helps you refine a combination of elements that have been shown to be effective. Adobe Target walks you through each step, so there’s no question about how to do it. The multivariate test tells you which combination of content works best and how elements contributed to the winning experience. To work along with activities in this course you will need to work within your own instance of Adobe Target.
Validate your knowledge of Adobe Target concepts and demonstrate that you can successfully manage business processes in Adobe Target. Prove your value to your organization with tangible skills that let you hit the ground running with Adobe Target and drive business success!
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